The Introduction of Benazir Hunarmand Program by Rubina Khalid

Exciting news in Pakistan as the dynamic chairperson of BISP, Rubina Khalid, has recently unveiled the innovative Benazir Hunarmand Program. This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide technical training to underprivileged women, enabling them to kick start their own home-based businesses and significantly alleviate poverty.

Rubina Khalid expressed that the primary goal of this crucial endeavor is to empower the marginalized women of society. By equipping them with technical skills through this program, we are ensuring better job opportunities and a pathway to financial independence for women.

Who Can Participate in the Benazir Hunarmand Program?

To be eligible for the Benazir Hunarmand Program, specific criteria have been set for prospective participants:

  • Women already eligible for BISP support or any of their family members are eligible.
  • Participants will receive technical skills training to access dignified and lucrative job opportunities.
  • Individuals with a monthly income of 60,000 PKR or less can enroll.
  • Those with a poverty score ranging between 35 and 40 are encouraged to join.
  • Valid National Identity Card is a must.

Notably, individuals planning to travel abroad are not eligible for this program.

Registration Process for Benazir Hunarmand Program

To enroll in the Benazir Talent Program, individuals must have a poverty score of 35 or less. This initiative primarily targets deserving women under the sponsorship program, with opportunities extended to their family members as well.

Technical training is offered to one member per family, facilitating skill development in their chosen field and paving the way for enhanced job prospects. Moreover, the program extends financial assistance and interest-free loans to women looking to initiate home-based businesses.

There is no need for re-registration in this program. Stay updated on registration details via our platform to ensure you don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity.

Objectives of the Benazir Hunarmand Program

The Benazir Hunarmand Program is driven by noble intentions to empower women from disadvantaged backgrounds. By imparting technical skills through this program, we aim to provide enhanced job opportunities for women, fostering self-reliance and dignity.

Rubina Khalid emphasized a commitment to furthering Ms. Benazir Bhutto’s mission, striving for gender equality in society. Noteworthy positive transformations have already been witnessed in Pakistan through the Benazir Income Support Program, marking a significant milestone in the country’s social welfare landscape.

This program is not limited to only the impoverished; it also aims to benefit the middle class, with over 6.5 million beneficiaries currently under the BISP umbrella. Plans are underway to expand the program’s reach, extending its impactful initiatives to a broader audience.

Stay tuned and watch this space for more updates on this transformative program!

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