Empowering Beneficiaries: BISP Khuli Kachehri Arranged by Chairperson Rubina Khalid

BISP’s Open Forum for Welfare
Chairperson Rubina Khalid, spearheading the Benazir Income Support Program, has taken a proactive approach by organizing the BISP Khuli Kachehri. This initiative aims to directly address and resolve the concerns of beneficiaries. Khalid emphasized the importance of this open forum in gaining firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by the beneficiaries, allowing for tailored solutions. The Khuli Kachehri sessions are conducted at the tehsil level to facilitate easier access for all beneficiaries.
During a recent session in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Chairperson Khalid attentively listened to women facing overdue BISP payments, offering them expert guidance. She highlighted ongoing efforts to streamline access to government assistance for beneficiaries, ensuring wider coverage and efficient delivery of the program.
Organizing BISP Khuli Kachehri
Prior notification is provided to beneficiaries before each BISP Open Court session, enabling them to attend and seek solutions to their challenges. Chairperson Khalid leads these sessions, providing hands-on guidance to attendees. She believes that the Khuli Kachehri platform is instrumental in resolving beneficiary issues effectively. Notably, cases of aid fund deductions have notably decreased through this initiative.
Beneficiaries encountering registration issues or facing eligibility concerns, even after repeated attempts, can directly engage with Chairperson Rubina Khalid during these meetings.
Revolutionizing Assistance: BISP Live E-Kachhari
Rubina Khalid, the current BISP chairperson, is driving significant advancements to enhance beneficiary support initiatives. One such innovation is the live e-Kachhari sessions hosted on the program’s official platforms. These interactive virtual gatherings are organized post BISP fund disbursements, with live chats tailored for each province on BISP’s official Facebook page.
Beneficiaries are encouraged to utilize dedicated contact numbers specific to their province to directly seek guidance on their concerns. Issues raised during these live e-Kachhari sessions are promptly addressed, fostering swift resolutions. Additionally, beneficiaries have the opportunity to file complaints through this channel.
Connecting for Solutions: BISP Contact Channels
Various contact numbers are shared to facilitate engagement with the BISP Live Sessions or AV Kachhari. These channels enable beneficiaries to participate in the e-Kachhari sessions, providing direct access to support. Chairperson Khalid acknowledged the challenges faced by beneficiaries regarding fund deductions or withdrawals and affirmed ongoing efforts to address these issues effectively.
She also highlighted the commencement of a re-registration drive aimed at expanding program inclusion. Individuals whose previous survey data is over two years old are encouraged to re-register to validate their eligibility.
Stay updated on official BISP channels for the latest updates on welfare programs and initiatives.
وظائف کے بینیفیشریز کو موثر بنانا: بی آئی ایس پی کھُلی کچہری کی تنظیم
چیئر پرسن روبینہ خالد، بینظیر آمدنی سپورٹ پروگرام کی قیادت کرتے ہوئے، بی آئی ایس پی کھُلی کچہری کی تدبیر کرنے کی رہنمائی کر رہی ہیں۔ یہ تھریو منلانا بینیفیشریز کے مسائل پر بل اٹرنٹ کرنے اور حل کرنے کا هدف رکھتا ہے۔ خالد نے بینظیر بینیفیشریز کے ساتھیوں کی پہلے ہاتھ کی معلومات حاصل کرنے کے اس بینظیر موڑ پر زور دیا. کچھ ہفتے بعد ، خالد نے خیبر پختونخواہ میں ایک کھُلی کچہری کا منظم اختیار کیا۔
How can beneficiaries benefit from BISP Khuli Kachehri?
By attending BISP Khuli Kachehri sessions, beneficiaries can directly interact with Chairperson Rubina Khalid to address their issues and receive guidance tailored to their needs.
Chairperson Rubina Khalid’s proactive approach in organizing the BISP Khuli Kachehri reflects the program’s commitment to empowering beneficiaries and ensuring efficient delivery of welfare services.
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